Here’s Why Land Management is so Critical in Texas

Land management is super critical for the ecology of our beautiful state, and the onus is on private land owners, and we want to help you!

Did you know that 97% (+/-) of the State of Texas is privately owned?

Why is land management so challenging and what are the opportunities? The agriculture and ranching culture has been an important part of land ownership in Texas. As the scientific discipline of ecology has emerged over the last five plus decades, the idea and practice of being a “land steward” has become more commonplace. 

The three quotes below from Aldo Leopold, a renowned naturalist, philosopher, and ecologist showcase how important it is for humans to respect our local ecology.  

“Individual ethics is the basis of land conservation. It is hard to make a man do a thing which does not spring naturally from his own personal sense of right and wrong.”

“A land ethic reflects the existence of an ecological conscience.”

“Conservation can accomplish its objectives only when it springs from an impelling conviction on the part of the private landowners.”

Being a land steward is more than just trying to bring back native grasses on an overgrazed piece of property. It is a set of ethics and morals one lives their life. Land management is a life-long, multi-generational commitment to promoting biodiversity, ecological resilience, and ensuring the security of ecosystem services for all biological life. 

As a landscape management firm, we at Maas Verde do our best to uphold these values in our personal and professional lives. 

Some of the services we provide in the area of land management are the following.

  • Maintain 1-D-1 Wildlife Management Plans to maintain a property owner’s property tax valuation
  • Implement and document land management activities to achieve desired outcomes
  • Assist in green infrastructure construction and maintenance
  • Wildlife and plant surveys

Have any questions about land management, please feel free to drop us an email at


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